From the time his own children were born, Bob’s entire world revolved around his family. Bob owned and operated Bregy Cleaners in Chicago, a successful business, for over 30 years. Bob worked high stress and long hours to ensure his children had a loving home with access to outstanding education opportunities and experiences. Bob also enjoyed his job at District 211 and enjoyed the friendship of his colleagues. Perhaps his greatest joy in life was his active involvement with his granddaughters. He absolutely loved spending time with them and was their number one fan, attending every volleyball game that he could. Undoubtedly these moments were the very best times of his life as he was a very proud father and grandfather!
A visitation will be held to honor his legacy from 10:00 a.m. until a prayer service that begins at 12 noon on Saturday, February 24th at Friedrichs Funeral Home, 320 West Central Road (at Northwest Highway), Mt. Prospect IL.
In lieu of flowers please consider donating, in our dad’s honor, to his personal St. Jude Research Hospital St. Jude Fundraising Page HonorOurDad
Bob’s family would like to thank everyone who contributed prayers and positive energy during his journey, especially those people who stepped in to support him after his wife’s passing just 16 months ago. Our dad was a wonderful husband, father, grandfather and friend. From your family who will miss you every day, thanks for raising, caring and supporting us.